
Day 01 ~ Favourite character from book/show.
Day 02 ~ Favourite quote relating to ASoIaF.
Day 03 ~ Where would you want to live in the ASoIaF world?
Day 04 ~ Favourite house?
Day 05 ~ Who do you ship?
Day 06 ~ Picture or gif that expresses your reaction to the show.
Day 07 ~ Link to a fanvid you like.
Day 08 ~ Favourite moment in book/movie.
Day 09 ~ Least favourite character.
Day 10 ~ If you had a direwolf, what would you name it?
Day 11 ~ Three words that describe ASoIaF.
Day 12 ~ If there was a crossover … who would you ship?
Day 13 ~ Would you join the Night’s Watch?

Day 14 ~ Who do you think Jon Snow’s parents are?
Как патологический противник Р+Л и Таргов в целом, я ставлю на Неда с Эшарой.

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